Víðari til høvuðsinnihald


HAIR REGROWTH TREATMENT, with Skullcap extract, Soy and Wheat germ. prolongs the life cycle of hair and prevents it from thinning. Strengthens the hair from the roots making it thicker, stronger and more full-bodied.

Proven and certified FORMULA by trichological tests *

Increase in the number and density per sq cms  
of vellus hair | terminal hair| total number of hairs
metabolic regrowth stimulation
given by the relation between the anagen and telogen stages of hair
increase in the average hair length

* Effectiveness certified by clinical studies for a 1 vial-a-day treatment of 30 days


KEY INGREDIENTS natural origin and from organic agricolture

Skullcap extracts, soy and wheat germ
stimulate cellular proliferation and metabolic activity, protect from harmful oxidative damage caused by cellular ageing and invigorate the scalp and the hair restoring vitality.
lemon* rind and nettle* leaf extract
with astringent, energising and invigorating action.
olive tree leaf extract and guarana seeds
with conditioning and emollient action.

*Ingredient from organic agricolture.


HOW TO USE Apply the contents of a vial drop by drop on washed and towel-dried or dry hair directly on skin and roots, covering the entire surface of the hair. Massage the scalp thoroughly to let the product be absorbed and help microcirculation in the hair. Take time out for yourself to restore your good humour! Relax for a few minutes to make the most of this beauty routine and eliminate stress.


PACKAGING SOSTENIBILE Le fiale sono realizzate in “I’m greenTM Polyethylene” un bio-polimero derivato dalla canna da zucchero, un materiale 100% riciclabile e sostenibile che offre le stesse garanzie di sicurezza del prodotto della plastica tradizionale.
Ogni tonnellata di Green PE prodotta cattura fino a 3,09 tonnellate di CO2 contribuendo così a ridurre le emissioni nocive di gas serra.



Tín Kurv

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